Track #6: Washington
Square Park
June 5th 2021: Greenwich Village, Manhattan
^Tap “Listen in Browser,” and if you are in this physical location, wander about the area or continue wherever you were going today, as you like. More information and action steps provided below.

Music composed and produced by Michael Genese.“UNISIL” (SOPHIE) rework constructed from footage of NYPD’s Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD). Audio footage and photos courtesy of Chidi Nobi.
After clearing the park, SRG officers chased people through Greenwich Village for nearly an hour. By the end of the night, 23 people had been arrested.

“I was tackled from behind in a bear hug, thrown on the ground by an SRG Officer, and dragged for several minutes on the floor.”
On the evening of June 5, 2021, New Yorkers gathered in Washington Square Park for a typical Saturday evening in the park. The scene was calm until phalanxes of police officers clad in riot gear rushed into the park to enforce a 10pm curfew — a curfew that had neither been approved nor run by Mayor de Blasio and local Council Member Margaret Chin.
Violent arrests were made, not only of protesters standing their ground against the illegitimate curfew, but also of regular park-goers who happened to be walking through. Batons, bikes, pepper spray, and even tasers were used as weapons. After clearing the park, SRG officers chased people through Greenwich Village for nearly an hour. By the end of the night, 23 people had been arrested.
-Success - Chris Marte has signed on!-
Now we’re asking City Council to sign onto The CURB Act:
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Hundreds of New Yorkers are speaking up.
A campaign to disband the SRG is about making the real strategic decisions to give our communities the healing and resources they deserve.
Do you work in education or healthcare? Do you take public transit? Do you want to see your community thriving? We are all stakeholders in where the SRG’s millions of dollars go once they are disbanded. New York is worth fighting for, and we need you.